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Be a great boss: 8 ways to manage effectively

If your business experienced a downfall from the Great Resignation, you’re not alone. As a manager, you may be asking yourself, “Is it me? Am I the reason?”

People typically leave for more than one reason—better pay, workload, advancement opportunities, culture or flexibility that allows for an improved work-life balance, just to name a few. Whether being a boss was in your career plan, or you’ve found yourself managing a team through unexpected circumstances, here are eight tips to help you become a great boss and manage your team more effectively.

Get to know your team

Beyond just the high-level facts of your team, get to know their strengths and weaknesses to make the best use of their talents. Does someone work better with strict due dates? Place employees where you know they’ll succeed and adjust when needed.

Think like an employee

Venture back to before you were a boss. What did you like most and least about the managers you worked for? What are things you wish managers had done to encourage and lead you? Make it a point to support employees the way you’d like to be supported, and focus on helping them succeed.

Check in consistently

Schedule one-on-one meetings regularly with your team to keep communication open. This can be a quick 15-minute video chat to see how things are going, what they need help with, or if they have concerns or questions. Providing this uninterrupted time (turn off all distractions!) can help them feel heard and valued...and improve your ongoing relationship.

Celebrate the good stuff

Some bosses tend to focus on mistakes people make and criticize wrongdoings more than they celebrate the important things an employee brings to the table. Acknowledge a job well done in a team meeting or by sending a quick message or email in the moment. While employees will make mistakes (we’re all human), encouraging accomplishments and hard work is a great motivator.

Encourage candor

When your team faces an issue, ask them for their opinions and listen to what they have to say. Not only will that make them feel valued, but they’ll also work together to solve the problem. Make sure you listen to each idea before presenting your own. Who knows—your team’s ideas may be better than your own.

Trust your employees

Your team was hired for a reason—let them show you they’re capable of completing tasks. Instead of micro-managing, empower your team by trusting them to take on new challenges and complete their work on time. They’ll gain a sense of value that makes them even more productive and excited to take on new tasks.

Set goals and provide feedback

Work with your employees to set reasonable and measurable work and career goals so expectations are clear. Provide continuous feedback to recognize a job well done and to communicate openly when improvements can be made. When you’re both on the same page, employees know exactly what they’re supposed to do and how their performance is measured. It helps encourage them to do their best.

Share credit

Don’t be the boss who takes all the credit for a good idea instead of supporting and appreciating your employees’ input. Acknowledge your team’s role in successful moments. Your team will feel appreciated and valued, and you’ll also be seen as a team player who uplifts and encourages their staff.

Whether you’re just starting out in your role as a boss or you’re a veteran at the job, remember that you’re human, too. You’ll make mistakes just like your employees. Use the above tips to re-evaluate your management style, keep the lines of communication open with your team and strive to be a better boss every day.

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