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From the firm: Starting fresh starts here!

road leading into the sunset with 2019 fading and 2020 bright and ahead of it

Welcome to 2020! It hardly seems possible that we are starting a new year, let alone a new decade. The thought is both exciting and a bit overwhelming as well.

If starting up your regular routine leaves you feeling overwhelmed, especially after the frenzied stretch of the holiday season, check out our tips for easing back into business. We’ve also rounded-up some ideas for bouncing back after setbacks—even those that could potentially derail your New Year’s resolutions.

As tax season approaches, it’s important to get organized to accelerate your tax return preparation and any potential refund. Be on the lookout for W-2s, 1099s and investment statements in the mail or through secure portals from your employer, clients or investment partners. Another important tax obligation you may need to address is related to cryptocurrency. If you buy or sell virtual currency, you’ll want to check out our tax guide and ensure compliance with the IRS.

Getting your taxes in shape is important, but so is keeping your body fine-tuned! Instead of going whole hog in the gym and getting injured or burned out, consider starting your 2020 fitness routine with functional training. This approach to building strength and conditioning will help you move and feel better in everyday life.

Wishing you a happy 2020!


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